An intro that is a victim of bad audio, and content I can't judge cause its so over my head. Their website is sadly they are using Feedburner for their feed. (see http://da...
The Good The Dad and the Ugly make it really hard to listen to their show. I finally dug out a place where you can sample the show. They really need a pop filter, and I'm not sure...
A horrible sounding show. In a world with technology, the days of recording a podcast through a phone line are gone. Why they are using blog talk tadio AND spreaker makes no sense here is their website. https://www.spreaker.c...
Great into, some chit chat, and bout the time I was done with the chit chat so were they. Wayne Henderson has great pipes. I'm not a doctor who fan, but this show seemed to be headed in the right direction. Their website is h...
A bunch of dudes talking gaming using really bad media hosting (your soundcloud feed is dead in iTunes). Lots of nerd humor. Want a full review see Check out our podcasting host, Pinecast . Start yo...
A show from a USA today reporter that is is done in a real raw way, I found the music a little annoying after a while, and he switched topics on us.
A well produced radio show put out as a podcast. For more information go to Want a full review of your podcast? Go to Check out our podcasting host, Pinecast . Start your own podcast for free...
This show does not lie. They get to the music quickly, and that's all you get. Their website link is broken in iTunes. Want a full review of your show go to Check out our podcasting host, Pinecast . S...
Thats All I Have To Say About That Bad Audio Quality Ruined this show. He took the time to script, but no time learning how to record properly (see ) Get a full review a...
Today in History Here is their website a science project that is impressive, but the content it turns out is boring. For a full review go to Podcast Review Show Check out our podc...
This podcast for being recorded in a radio studio, doesn't sound that great. IMHO, I would teased the guest, then done the 2 minutes of ads. I would also connect the guest to why she is here. http://r-houseradioshow.blogspot....
Beauty and Da Beast Comics Joey Diaz and Felicia Michaels supply laugh out loud black and blue comedy, that will arouses young and old audiences alike. Their out of the box guest choices and interviews will captivate you. Get...
Garbage Day Honestly, we didn't know what we wanted to do for a podcast. So we make it up on the spot! Tune in for a ton of hilarity as Lil Stevie and Jeremy improv the entire show. We can't promise it will be good, we can pr...
THE UNDIFFERENTIATED MEDICAL STUDENT is a podcast to help doctors in training choose their specialty. Their website is I like their website, and the production. I could've used a ...
Blogging heads TV. This podcast may have some professors in front of the mic, but they should go to school about how to setup a podcast. See Want to full review, check out ] Podcast Review Show
Episode Notes The humble farmer is a podcast filled with rants, and Jazz music. check it out at Want a full review? Check out the Podcast Review Show
Episode Notes This is a local meeting of Charles County. Their website is AWESOME Want a full review? Check out the Podcast Review Show
Episode Notes Insight for Living can be found at I was somewhat bummed when I couldn't go to their website and download an episode (I could play it, but I need a download). Then later I see he is using...
Honoring the '97 Jazz with Old Karl Malone Bit For me, I liked the production, but I didn't find their opening bit interesting. I also think radio people a...
This week Alexa picked Bunker Buddies with Andie and Travis which you can find at . If I was into survival stuff, I would probably listen as I love the sarcasm. I think they could've cleaned u...
Episode Notes The ADHD rewired is today's random pick Their website is for me I would've like a bit more information on where we were going, and in the end the first frew minutes seemed to be an adv...
Episode Notes Skype of Cthulhu is a podcast about borad games done over skype See Want a more in depth review, check out
A quick trailer about the Podcast Rodeo Show trailer.