Dec. 22, 2017

Wooist | The Super Charmer | Social Confidence | Dating | Self-Help

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Podcast Rodeo

Description This show is intended to awaken your natural abilities to become a super human charmer. By exponentially enhancing your ability to charm and be more authentic you will be able to swoon women in the most natural way. As a result, you will like yourself more, you will have more self-confidence, and you will be able to date the women that you want to be dating. However, this is not a quick fix self-help dating shop. This is not the traditional pick up artist podcast. This is the podcast where we help you discover the cool guy within you that has always been there the entire time.


Opinion: An interesting premise. NIce intro, but could've used a bit explaining what the show is about, and what the episode is about. You have the bullet points on the blog, why not include them in your opening so the listener can decide if they want to listen

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