Aug. 6, 2018

What Was That Like




Have you ever been listening to someone telling a story, maybe a true story about something that happened to them, and what they were saying was just so incredible you could hardly believe it? Or maybe you’re driving along in your car listening to a podcast, or maybe you’re listening to someone talking on the radio, and what they’re talking about is really intriguing, and even though you’ve actually gotten back home and you’re sitting in your driveway, you can’t turn it off and get out of the car, because you just have to hear the rest of it.

That’s the kind of story I want to have on each episode of this podcast. On this show, I’ll be having a conversation with someone who has found themselves in an extremely unusual situation. A situation that they never expected to be in, but there they were. Maybe the spot was a scary one, like they were taken hostage during a bank robbery, or maybe they survived a plane crash. Or maybe it’s a really happy situation like they won millions of dollars in the lottery. The possibilities are endless, because there are so many people with so many incredible stories out there.

Whatever my guest has been through, I want to get them to tell that story. I have a natural curiosity so I have lots of questions to ask. My goal, just like the name of this podcast, is to find out – What Was That Like.



This show has great episode titles, a great description, a great intro and a great idea for a podcast. If I had any kind of complaint is you had such a great topic and did such a great job of doing the intro, that was I ready for the guest. You didn't have to sell me anymore, I was ready to hear the story.

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