Nov. 5, 2017

Video Games 2 the MAX

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Podcast Rodeo

iTunes Descriptions

Video Games 2 the MAX is the official Games podcast of where Sean Garmer and Marc Morrison get together to talk about everything involving Video Games. Every week, we discuss what we are playing, games we are reviewing, the gaming news of the week, and just have some fun talking about some random things like Doctor Who, movies, TV shows, anime, and more. You can check out Marc, Sean's, or the whole staff's written game reviews, and other things over at: You can also follow each of the guys individually on twitter @W2MSean, @humanityplague, or the entire network @W2MNetwork. Make sure to go like the W2Mnet Facebook Page and the W2Mnet instagram as well.



Well, the intro music was a waste of time (add some voice-over) and instead of getting to the content you decided to talk about the sticky keys on your keyboard. Your volume levels are all over the place. You say the name of your show you can't understand what you are saying. Not a great first impression.

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