April 27, 2018

Travel Gluten Free


Travel Gluten Free gives people who lead the gluten-free lifestyle a better way to live. Travel Gluten Free's host Elikqitie gives insights to how to easily lead a gluten-free lifestyle at home, at work and during travel. Learn the ins and outs of how to successfully be gluten-free with less hassle and more fun and enjoyment! Elikqitie explores the gluten-free side from chefs, restaurant owners and people who lead a gluten-free lifestyle.




The intro didn't do much for me with an interesting French accent that made it somewhat hard to understand and hear. Your first couple of words I believe were lost under the music. The introduction of your guest was OK, I would lead with the biggest credentials )11 years gluten-free, and gluten free chef instead of "she's awesome." Then you explain how you were at an event. That's great and gives you credibility. You introduce your guest, and then you basically repeat much of what you just said. I thought the audio was fin (you did have a few plosives, so be sure to have some sort of windscreen). It's not a bad start, but you need to brush up on a few items. As this was your fifth episode, you're doing great.

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