Dec. 1, 2021

The Skeptic Metaphysician


Like Mulder from the X-Files, I want to believe. So I've embarked on a journey of discovery. I've talked to people deeply entrenched in the spiritual, metaphysical, mental health and self help worlds. I've thrown myself into weird and wonderful experiences, and I'm sharing them with you in an effort to find the trick to self-growth.

The rest of your description didn't really help the potential listener and seemed to be you just adding more and more keywords.

What You Did Well

The audio is good, and your intro comes in and gets to the point.

What Could Be Tweaked

Skip the witty banter. If you need to say Hi to your co-host ask her if she's excited about the guest.

We don't need their full back story. Unless you're going to talk marketing, do I care?

You buried the lead. His great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandmother was hanged as a witch. - That's interesting to YOUR CORE AUDIENCE. Not that he was part of the team that invented Virginia is for lovers.

For a full review of your show, website, goals, and more see

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David Jackson  
welcome to the podcast rodeo Show. I'm your host Dave Jackson from the School of This is where we grab a random podcast and see how long we can hang on and today, we're going to listen to a podcast called The skeptic metaphysic I knew I was gonna botch this name. The skeptic metaphysician. There we go at you guessed it, skeptic The description from our good friends and Apple podcasts says that, like Mulder from The X Files, I want to believe so I embarked on a journey of discovery. I've talked to people deeply entrenched in the spiritual, metaphysical, mental health and self help worlds. I've thrown myself into weird and wonderful experiences. And I'm sharing them with you in an effort to find the trick of self growth. Really, you could stop right there, we got like another 12 paragraphs. Whether your interests lie in the metaphysical or the spiritual or even grounded in the tree dimensional world. This show will help you explore the endless possibilities of self growth, tinged with a hint of supernatural tinged with a hint of of supernatural. To which I asked did that add anything else? That the first paragraph didn't next paragraph interested in raising your vibrations? The law of attraction? How about astral projection physics channel, and this is just him stuffing keywords in here, channels, mediums, Reiki and intuitive energy healing or lucid dreaming. For the record. Apple does not read your description. They look at the title of your episode, the title of your show, and the author tag. That's it. So all this like hey, I'm gonna throw in all these keywords in here and just jargon. We cover it all or maybe you're more interested in the paranormal, or runes or Tarot or astrology again, more just obvious keywords. Yes, we cover that to life after death reincarnations and Pat. Okay, I'm done reading this. It's not giving me here. Here's what the show is about. Here's how you're going to benefit. So again, Apple does not read your description, they read the title of the show, the title of the episode, and the author tag. So before we fire this up, let me remind you one thing,

Unknown Speaker  
the following is an opinion and only an opinion. These are actual, honest first impressions. If you don't like the opinion, feel free to never listen again.

Unknown Speaker  
My name is Wil and I like molder from The X Files want to believe. So I've embarked on a journey of discovery. I've talked to people deeply entrenched in the spiritual and metaphysical worlds. I've thrown myself into weird and wonderful experiences. I've even joined a coven of witches, all in interest of finding something, anything that will prove there's something beyond this physical three dimensional world we all live in.

David Jackson  
Okay, I'm good. So far, so good.

Unknown Speaker  
This is the skeptic metaphysician. Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the skeptic metaphysician. I will your host is always in next to me, as always, of course, the lovely Karen, NZ Karen, thank you for being Shogun today.

Unknown Speaker  
Thank you for having me

Unknown Speaker  
back time and time again. Time and time I think there's a movie called that right called time after time. You're thinking to Cyndi Lauper song? Yeah, I don't know. I'm getting confused. Well, Karen, I don't even know where to begin with this next guest. I know. Amazing. So

David Jackson  
okay, that's a cool lead in. I don't know how to even start. Now. I hope you actually do something good here because You've piqued my interest.

Unknown Speaker  
Oh, amazing. I'm truly in awe. The hardest part about this interview is going to be limiting the scope of the topic. In fact, there's so many topics we could talk about with this gentleman that well, let's just let me just introduce it. Good idea.

David Jackson  
Yeah. And here's what you do. You tell the guest Hey, you've got like 18 billion things you can talk about. We're here to talk about this one thing that I researched and found out you knew, we'll see how you do.

Unknown Speaker  
He's not only a best selling author of more than two dozen books, that of course would be amazingly interesting to our audience much more on that in a bit, but also had a very popular Internet talk show called The Truth About Life, which delved into similar topics that we discussed on the show. Now on that program, he interviewed dozens of near death survivors, psychics, researchers into the paranormal as well as quantum physicists and medical doctors and through it all realize that humankind is on the cusp of a transition. And

David Jackson  
I haven't heard why you're excited yet. Right now. You're just reading his bio,

Unknown Speaker  
and we're transitioning to a new understanding of the true nature of reality. Does that not blow your mind? That certainly blew his mind. Well, he believes that this is going to result in the rebirth of optimism and that the world's gonna become a better place to live. In and that is something I know. I would welcome and I'm sure you would, too. Oh, absolutely.

David Jackson  
I want to know why that blew your mind. I'm like, Okay. I mean, it was a bio but okay,

Unknown Speaker  
absolutely. So he gets even more interesting, because he's more interesting. Okay. He's also the former principal of the world renowned ad firm, the Martin agency. This is the agency Karen that created the Geico Gecko. I know.

Unknown Speaker  
And even more severe in Virginia.

Unknown Speaker  
Yeah. And the slogan is Virginia's for lovers. And just so happens that the Martin agency came up with that slogan as well. Now he is currently and

David Jackson  
now at this point, I'm confused as to who your target audience is. Like, if you think about it, your guests could have 15 different awards in 15 different categories, but your audience is probably only interested in one, maybe two of those. So I'm kind of like, Who is this guy? Like, why is he here?

Unknown Speaker  
An editor and publisher of the Oakley press, which specializes in Parapsychology in body, mind, and spirit topics, plus a whole lot of other stuff that are more mundane, but we're really interested in this stuff. And he's, yeah, we're into Paris stuff. Got it. He's won all kinds of awards. I don't want to delay any more bringing him on the show, because

David Jackson  
he's been very good. I'd like to hear why you're excited. And sitting really patiently. And I'm super excited to introduce, I'm really sorry to hear that. You could always do this. Hey, I'm going to redo the intro later. So I'm just going to start off with Hey, Dr. So and so thanks for coming on the show. And I'll do the intro later.

Unknown Speaker  
Use the show. Stephen Holly Martin. Steve, thank you so much for coming on the show. Well, thank you.

Unknown Speaker  
Thank you so much. Well, I appreciate you having me. I'm looking forward to our chat.

Unknown Speaker  
Just to give a little bit of context into the conversation, you have a lot of information or you can talk very well about lots of different things including life after death, reincarnation, where the consciousness resides, the meaning of life the science as is taught in schools being based on false premises.

David Jackson  
We don't you just you've already explained that this guy has a huge background. You're kind of re explaining that he has a huge background we get it

Unknown Speaker  
is all kinds of stuff and not to really the topic too much. I'm beard

David Jackson  
but you are you're going to

Unknown Speaker  
bury lead. You're actually your ancestor is someone who was accused, tried and executed as a witch.

Unknown Speaker  
Well, that's correct. Susanna North Martin. Yes, she is my seven times great grandmother, direct descendant and I, you know, I've heard about her growing up. And it really kind of, I think shaped me in many ways. And my brother and sister as well, because we do, we don't take for granted what anybody says or you know, go along with a crowd necessarily because she was accused, she was tried, she was convicted, she was hanged. And by the way, that's the proper past tense of the verb to hang. Pictures are hung, my mother used to say, and people are heading

Unknown Speaker  
out that way. Yeah, right. Yeah. But

Unknown Speaker  
anyway, yeah. And in fact, recently, I've just released a book about her called the witch of Amesbury show that was, what she's called. In fact, if you Google that, you'll you can find out a lot about her. But yeah, I wanted to see whether she actually was a witch or or practicing witchcraft magic. It's what they meant by that back then. And it was against the law and that part of the world and New England, because England was a theocracy was the Puritans had come over to set up a city on the hill, you've heard about that. I'm sure that's what my investigation was about. And I learned an awful lot because there is an awful lot of information available. All the transcripts from the trials, all the depositions that led up to the trials, people back then who are eyewitnesses wrote reports on it. So in the name of the book is the the witch of Amesbury and I say that she is the matriarch of an advertising dynasty, because I think that having a witch in the family because one of the things that led my brother in May and should advertise this, of course, my dad was also in it, my mother was in it. Now I've got three children who are in it's, it's a dynasty.

Unknown Speaker  
In your material, you say that being descended from someone that was accused of witchcraft actually helped you and your brother build the ad agency? How's that? So?

Unknown Speaker  
Well, you know, we were always told, and again, you have to read the book to find out whether she was really a witch or whether she was practicing witchcraft.

David Jackson  
This guy's always told so far, this guy's kind of like, he's got a cool story. But I don't know if I'm going to listen to another question. But that's two answers. And both of them have mentioned his book. This is where you can tell your guests, I'm going to give you a chance to really pimp your book. So if you're worried about that, don't worry about it. I will definitely promote your book. But that's too quiet for two answers. Both are like oh, yeah, my book,

Unknown Speaker  
oh, by my parents and my mother in particular, who seemed to be obsessed by the whole thing that she was falsely accused. She was a good Christian woman who who was falsely accused.

David Jackson  
She wasn't really a witch. I mean, she would float. Gears didn't

Unknown Speaker  
hanged. And so it kind of kept us from from just taking for granted what somebody in authority said that it was true. We didn't, you know, we always certainly I always questioned and I wanted to find out myself because of that. And I think that it made me a nonconformist. And if you're going to create advertising that's breaks through the bowl. You got to be a nonconformist, you know? And also, if you're going to start a company, which my brother and I both did, I think you have to have that little extra something that says, you know, we can do it. And I think that really was imparted by my mother who kept harping on the fact that we had this witch in the family. So yeah, I think that it really did make us the people that that we became, and because of that, we started an ad agency that's become just a tremendous success. And you know, after Nancy, I started another one called Hallmark partners, which we sold to the Interpublic Group of Companies, which is a New York Stock Exchange.

David Jackson  
Now, I'm listening to this off their website, but there's some weird jump cuts there.

Unknown Speaker  
So yeah, I think that Susanna northmor had a lot to do with it. Oh, well, I

Unknown Speaker  
loved how I was, I was reading some of the material you sent over. And I think you called yourself an early feminist. And I would imagine that learning about all of this witchcraft, and how they treated women in the trials and everything, you've learned so much more than just about the witchcraft, but also how women were, you know, making their way through society at

Unknown Speaker  
the time. Well, he mainly Yeah, the old, most of the people who were accused of which being witches and practicing magic and witchcraft were women, not all of them. There were a couple of men that were also accused. But the vast majority, I think something like 19 of the people who were executed were women out of 21 Man was also hanged. And another one was killed before he was even tried, because they were trying to force a plea out of him.

David Jackson  
Alright, so this guy's interesting. And your audio quality? Sounds great. I liked your intro. For me. I would have said, Look, this guy has started, if you've ever heard the phrase, Virginia is for lovers, if you've ever heard this, he's an advertising guru. He's also though, his great great grandmother was a witch. And today we're gonna talk about his book, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. You gotta cut that down. I mean, because literally, this dude is here, because his great, great, great whatever grandma was a witch. That's cool. That's what makes him special. That's what makes him unique. I don't really care where he went to school, I don't really care about his business. I want to hear about great great grandma witchiepoo. So that's so all in all, just like I say, come in there some weird jump cuts in your edits, that I thought were cool. But your audio sounds good. I thought it was slightly I can see where I didn't care. But I could see where some people would be a little offended. Because when we're talking about hanging people, your co host laughed, which I thought myself was kind of funny. I like dark humor. But other than that, I thought it was fine. It just a little the the intro. We don't need all that backstory, we really, really don't. And we don't really care. We want to know why you're excited that the person is on the show. Now, if you would like to be reviewed, it's super simple. Just go over to podcast Rodeo, click on the get reviewed button. And you'll see there are a number of options there to get reviewed. If you'd like to hear the end of that episode that we just talked about, then go over to again here. I know why I'm having a hard time saying the skeptic And you can hear the end of the Witch of Ames, Amesbury, what's going on with that? So I'm Dave Jackson from the school of podcasting comm. Thanks for joining me as I help you. Take that podcast polishing, buffer out the boring of your podcast until we meet again. Always enjoy your ride.

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