Aug. 19, 2018

The Procastin8r

Comments: 888-563-3228


From insight on the Lazy Mindset (an attitude that teaches you how to be lazy and get away with it available as a free e-book on the website), tips on generating passive income while you sleep, and creative ways to put gamification in your life to turn work into play, the ProcrastiN8r Podcast will make your life so much easier.

Procrastinate with Purpose to Minimize Effort and Maximize Results. Work smart, not hard to earn a passive income. Save as much time, money, and effort as possible, with life hacks to make things easier, gamify productivity to turn work into play, and earn money while you sleep.

As a gamer and online marketer, Nate Zerambo puts the "N8" in "ProcrastiN8r" and is certainly a PRO at what he does. He's an award-winning radio talent and self-proclaimed audiophile and finance nerd. Not an online guru, he's just a lazy guy getting by



The intro had some interesting production from people in a bathroom to Jamaican robots (most of which I had a hard time understanding), lots of soundscaping with ocean, etc, but I had to focus so hard to get past HOW it was being said I missed WHAT was being said (all icing - no cake). At two minutes in you finally revealed what was going to be the topic of the show and instead of getting to the topic spent another 90 seconds explaining what lazy is (I think most of us got what Lazy is). I do like the idea that you are getting to the content and THEN talking about yourself as we don't care about you until you give us something of value. The intro had some interesting products, but for me, it didn't pull me in.

I also think you will hate yourself in the future for the name with the 8. Any time you have to spell your domain name, months later after you have to spell it for the 14th million time, you want to shoot yourself in the head.

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