Feb. 2, 2021

The Fantasy Football Dudes

Comments on The Fantasy Football Dudes?



Each week the dudes share their informed, outspoken, fearless, and often wild commentary on the latest fantasy football headlines. If you want political correctness, keep looking. These guys eat, sleep, and urinate fantasy. Whether you’re the new guy or the salty veteran the dudes will up your fantasy game all season long. A podcast for the dudes, made by the dudes.




You had good energy and good passion, and I love your interaction with your audience. I would ask you to examine what your audience is tuning in for? Do they need more news that they don't get on ESPN? Do we need a TIKOTOK update?

I would lose the music at the beginning or make a proper intro.

The jump cuts are really bad and very noticeable. I thought something was wrong on my phone.

You did a good job of using each other's names to help the audience keep track of who is who.

My guess is you're using a blue yeti in the middle of the table. Whatever you're doing, the goal for 2021 should be everyone gets a microphone (Samsom Q2u, and a Zoom Podtrak P4 for recording). see https://www.podcastrodeoshow.com/gear

I would move the news and giveaway to the end of the show and get the fantasy advice closer to the front of the show.

I loved the passion and energy, the honest opinions, and that you don't all agree.

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