March 11, 2020

The e-Tribe

Comments on The e-Tribe?



The e-tribe podcast series shares the business experience and knowhow of various e-tribe members from around the world. E-tribers are experienced entrepreneurs, e-commerce experts, marketers, investors, who want to help other people like them become more successful and fulfilled. They share invaluable information regarding starting a business, growing a business, specific tools and processes you can use in order to make your company more successful. Every week you would find a new episode covering different topics and different industries with real-world knowledge.



My first impression was your audio is very boomy (very "recorded in a tunnel/bathroom"). The intro tease I found annoying. Grab me by the throat with something that makes me go WHOA!, and then later tell me how to avoid the pain you just mentioned. You took about three to four minutes to really grab my attention. You do a lot of group talk (Hey e-tribers), for me I like to talk to one person as there was nobody else but me listening in my room. Also, why should I listen to you? Who are you and why should I listen (you might want to mix in a credential or two).

I did want to hear the rest of the episode, but for me, the audio was bothering me. See the gear guide for what I recommend.

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