April 17, 2018

The Corner Cutter Podcast


An informative weekly speedcubing podcast that provides interesting guest interviews with expert cubers, competition organizers, and even WCA delegates. Current cubing news, tips on improving, and updates on personal progress and achievements are frequent topics as well. Visit the podcast website for links and show notes: thecornercutterpodcast.com And send feedback and/or questions which Josh will answer on the show to: feedback@thecornercutterpodcast.com Thanks for listening!




The musical intro could be shortened up a bit, and you got to your guest fairly frequently. There was a bit of a "let's get to the guest, no wait, please share the episode, now let's get to the guest" kind of shuffle that seemed jarring. I would highlight the word Rubik's Cube more in your show title (move it closer to the title) and your description. You use a lot of jargon that people in your niche know, but what would they type in to find you. My guess is Rubik's Cube. Also your website address doesn't seem to work (and redirect to https://thecornercutterpodcast.wordpress.com/ )

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