Dec. 10, 2019


Comments on Tension?



TENSION is an overview based on life, death, science, scholarship, school, ethics, philosophy, religion, space, time, meditation, anxiety, election, lucid dreams and near-death experience NDE. From personal stories and recollections of lived experiences to interviews with old souls and scientific researchers. Tension is as random as it is exciting with discussions by ordinary people of extraordinary capacity. Tension will weave the line of personal narrative while providing an easy-to-listen-to experience. From the Ross Stewart Andrew Studio in Seattle



This starts off with some energetic music, and the slams me into the middle of a conversation. I have no idea who I'm listening to, why I should care, what the show is about, what the episode is about, and the guest and host are split hard left and right (which won't work for anyone listening with one earbud at work). About two minutes in I was STILL confused about who I was listening to, their stories seemed to go nowhere. Your description for your podcast is somewhat vague. I would redo your description and explain who the show is for, and what a listener should expect (and how they will benefit). In your software split your tack and make both the guest and the host mono.

BONUS CONTENT: Your artwork does not meet Apple specs which are:

1400x1400px (minimum) 3000x3000px (maximum) Under 500kb Use rGB color space Be a JPG, JPEG, or a PNG file

Your file size is 3.8M (almost eight times as large as it should be which can cause issues with updating.

Google has a free tool you might try at that you can use to resize and compress your file

I would also purchase a domain (something like see for domains

You Should Know This about Anchor

If you are happy with:
  • Giving up access to your stats in podcasts connect
  • Giving up access to your stats in
  • Having very basic numbers
  • A company that hasn't made any profit
  • A company changing the format of your file
  • A company that stops you from receiving email
  • Is not always forthcoming with information
Then, by all means, use Anchor and have fun creating your podcast. I just wanted you to go in with your eyes open.


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