May 12, 2020

Snack Size: the Podcast

Comments on Snack Size the Podcast?



Why settle for anything less than the life that you dreamed of? Each week, Minneapolis based Drag Queen, Lala Luzious, delivers a "Snack Size," 10-minute episode packed full of advice on how YOU can live a happy and fulfilled life. If you are not afraid of your own potential, this fabulous podcast is for you!

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I'm a middle-aged white guy living in Ohio, so I don't have a lot of exposure to the drag scene. I liked this show

  1. The opening lets me know what the show is about 
  2. You shared a story about your favorite movie, and how it ties in with the theme of the show.
  3. Your commercial was short, and fit your audience. 
  4. The space is awesome - no fluff, no weather talk, right to the content. - Love it. 

Things You Could Improve On

Your episode titles have the name of the show (not needed) and the phrase "Episode xxx" also not needed, but if you MUST put in episode numbers, put them at the end as you're cutting off the important words. 

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1300" src="" alt="Bad Episode Titles" width="559" height="128" />

When I went to your website you had no show notes for episode 2. There was no link to the movie your mentioned or your sponsor. 

The Anchor website is, well, you got what you paid for. Check out Podpage or Podcastpage as these make it super easy to put in your RSS feed, and it spits out a great looking, easy to use website. 

Think of your target audience. What are they going to type into a search field to find a show about Drag Queens? While Snack Size may have a following in the twin cities, that may not be the case across the world (yet). Instead of Snack Size: the podcast what about "snack size: Short Advice from a Drag Queen" you need your keywords in your title. 

Thanks for your order.


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