June 3, 2019


Comments on Push2Plat?



A new light hearted Playstation focused trophy podcast featuring top ranked player and World number 1 Completionist Mr Unknown, guide writer extraordinaire themindisacity and Cj (Human).

Join us each week on Mondays as Unknown and Cj dissect the week that was, the week to come, news, games and general randomness.

Massive thanks to PyroDzeus for our new banner. Love it Also available on Itunes, Youtube https://youtu.be/w6KDbcg8wAs Spotify, and Sticher Radio




The intro music goes on FOREVER and when you come in, you're not loud enough and you sound like you're a mile away from the microphone (the guest sounds better than you do). I liked the guests' story, and while you introduced the show via a robot, you need to tighten up the intro and update your sound and you'll have a great first impression.

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