Sept. 21, 2017

kiwimana Buzz Beekeeping Show - A Beekeeping Podcast/Show

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Podcast Rodeo

From their iTunes Description

A New Zealand Beekeeping and Gardening Shop, Blog and Podcast. We discuss beekeeping news and interview beekeepers from around the world. In the past we have interviewed Michael Bush, Phil Chandler and Linda Tillman. We mainly focus on Beekeeping without using harsh chemicals




One of your top stories is that it was spring. I'm not sure I need a podcast to tell me it's spring. then again, in the bee world, this is a big deal. I liked that you explained what the show was about, and then gave us a table of contents.

I see now that one of your first stories was that it was spring, this still sounded like chit-chat. You both have a great chemistry, but all the thanking of people and the app mention kept pushing off the actual show content (bee breeding was the title). If you look at television, they typically do at least one scene before going to a commercial.

So you did a nice job of teasing the content, I would try to get to one of the stories and make sure it's obvious where these start and end, and then go into promotion mode. This can be done with transition music, or more simply, your tone of voice and pacing.

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