Nov. 14, 2019

Issues on Appeal

Comments on Issues on Appeal?



Board Certified Appellate Specialist Duane Daiker interviews members of Florida's appellate community about timely and timeless issues of appellate practice and professionalism.



I loved the intro. Great into, great pace, and GREAT TEASE. I was waiting (and waiting) to hear about your trip to the supreme court. There was a bit of "how the sausage is made" talk with the co-host, and you explained how you were bringing him on because you go to go to the supreme court. Then he explained he was excited about being on the podcast (I don't care, I want to hear about the supreme court). Then he makes you introduce yourself. It's YOUR show we know who you are (or should through your previous episodes). You are the man who needs to introduction. Are we going to make Jimmy Fallon introduce himself if we interview him on the tonight show? Then the co-host starts to explain that yes, you went to the supreme court. Just get to the good stuff.

You have knowledge that only a handful of people have, and we want to hear that content. Get to it. Nobody likes to get teased for extended periods of time.

You also did a transition to nothing. If you're going to transition, don't announce it. Just do it. Stop talking, fade the music in and start the second segment. The audience will figure out that they'ev transitioned. Your noise gate needs to be a little more aggressive at the beginning. It's doing a good job of cutting out the background, but the minute you breathe it opens. The background noise during the interview was tolerable.

BONUS: I don't normally comment on your website, but there is no link to Apple, Google Podcasts, or Spotify on your website. SUBSCRIBERS are the name of the game. Make it easy for them.

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