April 24, 2020

Geekology 101

Comments on Geekology 101?



We're a father and son duo who love getting deep into all things pop culture. Movies, shows, comics, music, books, games, toys, and more! Each episode we focus on a single topic and we'll even bring some friends along to keep the geeky conversation going!

Welcome, fellow Geekologists!




This show succeeds on many levels. It's a very heartwarming time with father and son. It also has that element of "kids say the darndest things," so you never know what you're going to get. On another level, Dad is a FULL ONE geek. This will bring street cred for all the other dads trying to get their children to follow in their steps to full geekdom. Joshua is adorable and very smart. This is a great tool to help build his confidence as a speaker later in life.

If I had one criticism is it sounds like you're sharing one microphone. This gets a pass. You're using anchor which screams "hobbyist" (see www.schoolofpodcasting.com/anchorsucks ) and if you get a chance to have both of you get your own microphones (see my gear guide), then pursue that. For a hobby podcast, I've heard worse. The cuteness factor makes this a win.

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