Nov. 15, 2018


Comments on Fanthropological?



Exploring the weird and wonderful world of fandoms! Every week, we deliver just-over-an-hour of fandom-related "fanalysis" complete with hard data, guests, and, of course, rampant speculation!



Your audio levels are all over the place, and one of the hosts has bad audio (very muffled). You introduce your co-host who spew some very strange comments. Everyone bursts into laughter (leaving me to wonder what I missed, as I didn't get the joke) and when you introduce your guest you read their bio to me. Instead of reading their bio, why not tell me why you are excited to have them on your show? Tell me what you're going to talk about. Between the dismal introductions, and you varied volume levels and muffled audio, this was not a great first impression.

BONUS: You only have a link to Apple (80% of Europe has an Android phone). The link you have doesn't go to your show.

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