Sept. 10, 2020

Delegate Your Way to Success

Comments on Delegate Your Way to Success?



Are you tired? overwhelmed? Can’t spend time with your friends and family? The Delegate Your Way To Success Podcast aims to help entrepreneurs get their time, freedom and life back while growing their business by providing valuable information and practical tips. It brings together incredible stories of entrepreneurs around the world who are building their dream business from the ground up.



I thought the show's introduction was good and explained who the show was for, and what to expect. I thought the "teaser" clip was a little long (you only need enough to have your audience think, "I want more.." Your audio was OK. You might look into using a noise gate, but overall the audio was listenable. My biggest issue was when you had some almost bad grammar, and then you mispronounced Warren Buffet's name (who is a pretty famous guy) and that took away a bit of your credibility.

Your presentation style is you are CLEARLY reading. When I hear someone who is reading (and it's not a news show) I want to ask them to give me the paper as I can read faster than they talk. If this is what you need to do to get the words out of your mouth, I get that, but practice so it doesn't sound like you're reading.

When you write your script, write it like you would say it (forget grammar) and just talk like you're telling someone sitting across the table from you some great content.

For just having 10 episodes, you're not bad, but for me, I can't stand to hear someone read to me.

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