July 13, 2021

Dumb People With Terrible Ideas

Description You’re fascinated with people who make mistakes and ALSO want to know more about the world but don’t want to read? In each episode, your brilliant and handsome narrator guides you through a single well-researched story of dumb people, stupid ideas, occasional sound effects, 25 clever turns of phrase and tons of jokes that are really funny but aren’t delivered like they’re funny at all. This podcast is delighted by screw-ups, bad taste and crappy people. It makes dumb people smart, and smart people laugh.

Website: www.ericexplains.com

REVIEW: Wonderful production (a little loud for me, but that may be because I'm a musician, and if the music gets too loud, it starts to distract me). It made me laugh. It also had great pacing, and it did two things very well.

  1. it makes me want to hear the end of this story.
  2. It makes me want to tell a friend.

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