April 1, 2018

Become Limitless


Become Limitless is an audio-documentary made up of events, conversations, and personal reflections of the host all while setting out to conquer one major life-changing challenge. This is the story of one man's journey to become limitless.




I give this two thumbs up for just being different than any other podcast I've heard in a while. It's not an interview show, it's a documentary of the host Doug Salamone pushing himself to achieve a goal. Is the audio a little boomy? Sure. Ever been to a gym? It's typical to see wall to wall mirrors. I loved the production of music and getting right to the story. This is set up as a seasonal podcast so if you want the easy listening experience check it out in iTunes (or set your app to listen to the oldest first so you can listen in order). If I had one tweak, I would say the voice over on the intro music was just ever so slightly low (I would bump it up a bit, I could hear and understand what you were saying, but I had to focus). I subscribed to the show.

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