Oct. 29, 2017

Ask the Experts

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Podcast Rodeo

iTunes Description of Ask the Experts Podcast

Ask The Experts with Iain Grant is an opportunity for you to talk directly to the movers and shakers. You will get inside information and knowledge that you can't get anywhere else. It's a great way for you to get free advice from everything from plumbing to legal. Make sure to be listening and plan out your questions in advance. Join Iain Saturdays at 5pm and you could save thousands in free advice from some of the countries most successful professionals.



Podcast First Impression

This is a radio show turned into a podcast consequently:

Good, quick intro Host did a good job of getting to the content and making sure the audience wasn't confused. I'm not sure a show where you have completely unrelated topics would work in the long run, but as far as first impressions go, this was a good one.

The artwork does not display in Apple Podcasts as your dimensions don't meet Apple Specs. This is probably another classic example of a radio company thinking they "know it all" when they start a podcast.

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