"What are ADHD symptoms in adults? Do I have ADHD? Yes, yes, I do. It only took me fifty years to find out.”
Try the free assessment at wisesquirrels.com/adhd-assessment.
Join late-diagnosed Chief Wise Squirrel Dave Delaney as he speaks with ADHD experts about everything from ADHD symptoms to challenges, tools, and solutions with inspiring stories to help you along your ADHD journey.
Discovering you have ADHD can be shocking and scary. ADHD Wise Squirrels empowers late-diagnosed adults with ADHD, celebrating the strengths of neurodiverse brains and addressing executive functioning challenges. We aim to teach you skills, shatter stigmas, and inspire and guide you toward success in focus, time management, and productivity. Through captivating stories, ADHD expert interviews, and valuable insights, we unlock the potential within and foster self-discovery by openly discussing ADHD symptoms, ADHD medication, and valuable resources.
Join our community for personal growth, guidance, overcoming distractions, and reaching new heights in executive functioning skills, creativity, and mindfulness. Explore coping strategies and decode our ADHD brain wiring to take control as we navigate the challenges and unlock our true potential together.
Our theme song is “Unyielding Conditioning” by Fishbone. Used with permission from The Noise Company, LLC. Fishbone is available on all streaming services. Purchase merchandise from thenoisecompany.com/collections/fishbone.
Legal Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider or medical professional for personalized advice regarding any medical condition or treatment.
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Thanks to our friend, Jason Falls, at MPN
Website: https://wisesquirrels.com/
I loved the niche (as I fit this niche). The audio was great. The description in the audio was great. The artwork is cute.
The written description seemed a bit overkill. Starting with an ad is not my favorite way to start, BUT it was a sponsor that fit the audience (so a +1 and -1).
The review talk while sincere, do not help you grow your show or boost the algorithm.
What the charts measure
Apple Podcasts Charts reflect the most popular shows and episodes available in a given market and are designed to help people discover what to listen to next. They do not reflect all-time listening records and are not a measure of the largest podcasts by listenership.
While the exact algorithm cannot be shared to protect their integrity, the charts measure a mix of the following:
Ratings, reviews, and shares
Although ratings, reviews, and shares also help indicate a podcast’s newness, popularity, and quality, they are not factored into the algorithm that determines the rankings for Top Shows and Top Episodes. In other words, they may not help people find a podcast on their own, but they influence whether people will listen or follow, and those factors influence the charts.
For these reasons, it’s important for creators to encourage listeners to leave a rating and review for their show on Apple Podcasts and share an episode with someone who will enjoy it.
Source: https://podcasters.apple.com/support/3146-apple-podcasts-charts
I hate when someone walks us through the guest's story BEFORE they give us a takeaway. I don't care where the guest lives. If you want to have this conversation to "Warm them up" but I would remove it from the published episode.
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Listen to Podcast Rodeo Show: Reviews and First Impressions of Your Podcast
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