Sept. 19, 2017

A Quest for Magic and Steele - DnD Dungeons and Dragons Adventure

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Podcast Rodeo

From their iTunes Description

Join us on our epic DnD.....well, maybe not so epic.....but, pretty cool adventure, as our family takes on the roles of our adventurers.. A Quest for Magic and Steele is our Home grown, Dungeons and Dragons podcast show brought to you by the SteeleEmpire. Amara, Shayna, Elisha, Ilana, Josiah, Brian and David play the role playing RPG game of Dungeons and Dragons. We voice act all the characters, making it an enjoyable audio to join in on. Take us to work, gym, bus, train. or anywhere you need something to fill the void. We upload a new show bi-weekly to give you a little joy to start off your week!




Great audio quality and production. The intro started off cute and quickly turned into an episode of the View on Steroids with people talking over each other. This went on way too long. If the objective of this was to get me up to speed, it may not have achieved its goal.

Then once the game starts, I still didn't know what was going on. Keep in mind, I've never played, or watched a game of DnD. So I am not your target audience. 

I do LOVE the fact that you are doing this with your kids, and you should keep doing this so you can play it for them on their prom night and embarrass them. 

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